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So far admin has created 7 blog entries.

Ønsker du å få kontroll over din stamming?

Er du over 14 år? Ønsker du å arbeide intensivt med din stamming for å bli veltalende? McGuire-programmet i Skandinavia arrangerer kurs i Oslo fra den 26. til 29. september. Kurset vil foregå på hotel CityBox, i hjertet av Oslo. - Det er allerede flere nye kursdeltakere som har meldt seg på kurset, med ønske om å få kontroll over sin stamming, forteller regiondirektør i den skandinaviske regionen, Daniel Kusk. Av, for og med stammere McGuire-programmet drives av, for og med personer som stammer. Alle instruktører, veiledere og hjelpere på kursene er selv personer som stammer. - Alle [...]

Ønsker du å få kontroll over din stamming?2019-08-12T19:25:12+00:00

Graduates Abroad

I wasn’t sure what to expect as I travelled from London to Copenhagen for my second course in Scandinavia This time was different as it was my first instructing gig. I arrived at the hotel on Wednesday afternoon after seamlessly travelling from Copenhagen to Malmö, Sweden – if you’re a fan of clean airports and easy transitions between countries then Scandinavia is the one for you. The air was fresh and the people seemed to take everything a little slower than London, a refreshing start to the course. As was expected the Scandinavian grads gave us the most [...]

Graduates Abroad2019-08-12T19:39:15+00:00

On A Sunny Saturday The Scandinavians Were Shining Even Brighter

Peter (to the right in the picture) called me before the intensive course in Aarhus, Denmark. He was already anxious about the contact session and the public speech. I told him to just think one step at a time; when it is time you will be ready for it, I said. A camera team from Danish television was following Peter closely on his journey through the intensive course.  Having a microphone on him at all times, he was really under more pressure. Luckily this Dane from the countryside had the will and power of an ox. Through hard [...]

On A Sunny Saturday The Scandinavians Were Shining Even Brighter2019-08-12T19:41:13+00:00
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